Sports Blogging is Fun

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Flat Classroom Project

What I think about the world being flat! The world has grown smaller hypothetically due to the increased efficient and effective high speed Information technology. For example, we used to wait for weeks to receive a regular mail from overseas, right now, it takes a few seconds to receive an email For those who communicate by text messaging or chatting in the chat rooms, it is instant! Another good example is the telephone. When landlines phones were on fashion and their bills so expensive, this is not to long ago. Probably less that a decade ago, it was so hard to use anyone landlines phone. 

Right now there are cellphones all over the place and they are of reasonable price and value. Thousands of kids in the US and even developing countries have them too! They all, as well, come with very important applications for both pleasure while being effectively and highly functional. The Information landscape has turned into gold fields, very highly paid data analyst, web designers and webmaster do data mining to gain an edge over their competitors.  The age where gold mining  (manufacturing) mattered are gone, because these jobs (service industry) pay more than if one was a gold dealer. 

The bigger effects, big companies being rendered obsolete  for example xerox. Others being forced to change the way they do business in order to survive. 

Practically, an  increase in efficient, effective (larger) and safer modern means of transport technologies,  has been brought about by information technology. As a result, although there is all the lightning speed trains pioneered by China and dreamliners, the landscape has changed so much that it is not necessary to travel from one place to another for certain duties as it used to be. Some can easily be taken care of through telephone conferencing, video conferencing or online conferencing. 

Unlike before educator and school around the world have caught the wind and now the question is; Is the traditional brick and motor school system becoming extinct/ obsolete? What is going to take over the place of schools if it becomes obsolete? Is going to school or even a household name like teacher going to be of relevance in the schools of the future? Or is the Internet going to replace them for some other kind of jobs as it has happened in the commercial sector. Becoming a computer savvy person as a teacher is definitely going to help in the advancement of education in future. Why? because today almost every new born is born holding a computer of some sort in their hands. By the end of education vatualization, there will be a huge change , every teacher has to be prepared. For there is no turning back.   Therefore The Flat Classroom Project is an excellent initiative by the two pioneers Vicky Davis and Julie Linsay.


  1. Evans,

    It is amazing to reflect on how technology was enabled us to keep in contact with people from all over the world within seconds. I, too, fear what will happen to the "brick and mortar school building". I recently attended a conference and learned that some school subjects in Florida are taught in a Virtual Classroom. My question, of course, was what happened to the teacher who taught this class. The response was that the teacher was still in the physical school building monitoring the virtual classroom and available to answer student questions.

    It's all too new to me, but it's a reality I, as well as others, have to come to grips with.


  2. Evans,

    Technology is truly changing the world and how we see it. This really effects our future students. They will surely need to be supplied with opportunities to interact and learn from others all over the world if they are to survive in this ever-changing world.

    Jarod Mozer
